Urban Union (Urban) have provided a total Community Investment Fund of £3,000 as part of their Arts Strategy undertakings, and as a result of the City of Edinburgh Councils (the Council) ongoing multi, million-pound regeneration programme in North Edinburgh.
In partnership with the Council and North Edinburgh Arts (NEA), Urbans fund is managed by the OneCity Trust and disbursed for the benefit of the residents of the NEA membership area (see illustration 1) of the City of Edinburgh.
In total there are 10 individual grants of £300 each available until the fund is exhausted.
If you are a Scottish Charity or constituted organisation, located within the NEA membership area and have a micro projects, creative in contents such as window displays, creative packs, book giveaways etc, please get in touch!
Apply now by downloading the undernoted application form and send to admin@onecitytrust.com
Creative Community Chest Application Form – For Print
Community Chest Leaflet FINAL 1
Community Chest Leaflet FINAL 2
Illustration 1 – Map of North Edinburgh Arts Membership Area